Configure Remote Powershell Step By Step

Remote Powershell

### Configure Remote Powershell Step By Step for Standalone Servers ###

in this method we’ll set up Remote Powershell using HTTPS

on the remote server Steps –

1. first lets Enable the PS Remoting Option

this cmdlet will enable PSRemoting and enable HTTP Listener
we can view the details for the default listener with the following command: PS C:\dir wsman:\localhost\listener
if you think you won’t use this HTTP Listener then you can simply remove it by typing


Now We’ll start configure another listener for HTTPS

2. lets create Certificate (Require PS V4)


3. we will use this certificate later on the local machine so lets export it


4. Adding the HTTPS Listener with the new certificate we just created


5. Configure the Server Firewall to listen on Port 5986


*Enable Compatibility – support the port 5986 for HTTPS Traffic


On The Local Computer (Client) Steps –

1. Import the Certificatewe created on the server side
copy the certificate file we exported before from step 3 on the remote server steps to your local machine
open Powershell and type

2. Now All Set up Correct and we can Remote with Enter-PSSession or using the Invoke-Command
Examples –


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