Use PowerCli Powershell Vmware Module

PowerCli – Installation Guide.

How to use the  vmware PowerCli Module.

In this article with will explore how to use the powershell vmware module and how to load it.

The powerCLI module allow you to administrate your VMware environment easily directly from command line. the tool give you the option  to manage your VM machines ,or Data Center remotely

Let start the explore how to install the PowerCLI.

when you’ll install this module ,you’ll get the advantage to manage your VM’s remotely ,for example you can set- the VM configuration like CPU, Memory ,Disk Size

manage the datastore , get the details you need from your VC ,

create automation for VM deployment ,deploy from template

and many more usefull features for your daily and coming tasks.

please remember for using this tool your Execution-Policy must be set to ‘Remote Signed’

Open PowerShell and enter: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned



confirm it by pressing ‘Y‘ , then download and install the VMware vSphere PowerCLI.

after the installation finish ,you can use it by clicking the new Icons created on your Desktop , 1 for 32 Bit and 1 for the 64 Bit “VMware vSphere PowerCLI”






or you can start using it from powershell console by calling it with ‘Add-PSSnapin

after you add the Snapin the module is loaded and you can explore all the commands its have by Get-Command



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